

Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success

Book review of “to Take or to give?” Adam Grant to us for review came just a wonderful book from one of the youngest and most successful professors of psychology, Adam Grant. His work was called “to Take or to give? A new look at the psychology of the relationship”. And it is just amazing. First, the author divided all people into three types. It would seem that there is a unique? Because such classifications are found in the works of many authors. On the one hand, the way it is. Another attempt to divide all people into good, normal and bad. But that’s a damn good attempt that can turn all your ideas about our world, about the methods of achieving success, approach to work and relationships with people.

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In the world of taking, sharing and giving

Adam Grant has for many years been studying the issue of psychology of relations between people. And one of the most important questions to which the author gives the answer in the pages of his book, what is nicer, better and more profitable – to take or to give?

In our swift and severe world there is an unwritten rule of success only the strong, the daring, the risky people will do anything for their own success. And the success in the first place, is symbolized by the thickness of the purse, mansions, expensive cars and impressive Bank account. That is, according to the prevailing opinion, that to get something in property is always better than to give something to someone. Adam Grant casts doubt on such a hypothesis, and throughout the book repeatedly proves that giving is more pleasant, more interesting and even more profitable.

The author divides all people into three types:

  • Taker – this audience prefers to receive rather than give. But if the representatives of this category of people and give something only in exchange for a lot more. That is, they are willing to share only if they are assured of repeated multiplication is given. According to this principle works most of the investors and business. But not all. And examples from the book “to Take or to give?” perfectly illustrates this point.
  • Exchanging is probably the most harmless audience. These people are happy to give the fruits of their labor in exchange for the same benefits from other participants in the exchange. The simplest example – colleagues, exchanging experiences. Each gives knowledge in exchange for receiving new information from my colleagues.
  • Giving is the most ambiguous category of people. The most secretive and the most numerous. According to studies, during which the subjects were asked to choose several items from a list of values, the psychologist Shalom Schwartz found that the highest importance for the majority of people have social justice, compassion, responsibility and willingness to help. So, the vast majority of individuals can be attributed to the category of giver. This category of people who prefer to give than to receive in return.

What the audience achieves the greatest success?

According to a widespread opinion that representatives of the “giver” needs to achieve the greatest success in work, business and personal life. Because it is purposeful, strong, self-centered people who think only about their profits. Here only in practice it is not always the case. At least this is confirmed by many studies and examples that says Adam Grant in his book “to Take or to give? A new look at the psychology of the relationship”. And examples, I must say, are more than impressive and inspiring. Especially liked the history of the village attorney, who decided to conquer the political arena. He had a long way to their goal, often faced with incomprehension on the side (because I was in essence “giving”, which is rare in politics), but eventually became the President of the United States of America. The whole world knows him as Abraham Lincoln.

Similar examples in the book abound. And they all show that great success can be achieved even when trying to give more than receive in return. The first part of the book will show you the principles of success that apply to almost all “the giver.” You will understand how they use their unique opportunities for collaboration, establishing contacts, assessment and impact. You will understand exactly what makes “the giver” to achieve great success, and the “takers” and “sharing” are almost always in the middle of the road.

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The second part of the book focuses on the negative sides of unselfishness and desire to give more than to receive. Because “giving” is not only on the peaks of success. Many of these people, unable to overcome the complexity of their worldview, and remain on the bottom rungs of the ladder leading to success. The author will tell you how to overcome the difficulties and to enter the list of those who, due to altruism achieves outstanding success.

By the end of the reading, most of you will change their attitude towards the principles of success in any field. You will understand that it is not necessary to hide the philanthropist behind the mask of a hard and selfish businessman. After all, success can be achieved, being friendly, sympathetic and unselfish man. And will help you book Adam Grant “to Take or to give?”.

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