

How to get money for your own business? Part 1

About owning your own business is a dream of many. Some of this dream is designed in the form of a business plan. To proceed, we need the money. Even the so-called “business without investments” will not feed its owner from day one and without financial reserves is not enough. In a situation when their business there, but the development has stalled, too, require additional cash infusion. Where can we get the money for the business?

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Own savings

It is easier and safer to use for the start and development of business equity. The money you can save, sitting on unpleasant, but a high-paying job, increasing income through side jobs and reducing operating expenses. Have a long time to work hard and to save. This option is ideal if you want a slight initial amount of money. The money will not have to return, and the businessman will become fully independent. Of the minuses – a long process of accumulation and the inability to use an existing business because of lack of time.

The sale of the property

Money for business can be removed from sale or lease of any property. For example, to sell a garage, a car, a dacha, jewelry, paintings, etc., Leaving only the most necessary for life. Often people do not know how many valuable but unused items is at home. Stamp collection, wedding dress and inflatable boat is quite possible to turn into start-up capital. If you have the opportunity to temporarily move in with relatives or friends, then get to invest in the business money from renting out their own homes.

Loan from friends or relatives

In search of resources, many turn to relatives, friends, acquaintances. On the one hand, it is not necessary to pay the interest, to collect documents and to wait for consideration of the application, there will be no penalties for late payment and you can always negotiate, but on the other hand, you have to be ready to quarrel with those closest to you, if income from business is not complying. And another is not too comfort in the moment – in the process of searching for money will have to talk about their plans almost entire contact list from your phone and social networks.

Categorically you cannot say “take me, please, money for the business.” It would be correct: “lend me… “. Between the words “lend” and “borrow” there is a fundamental difference, which in everyday conversations widely flouted. To borrow is to lend to someone and to take is to take someone.

A bank loan

Banks are reluctant to give loans to newly registered firms or individual entrepreneurs. To businessmen-borrowers meet a number of requirements: you need collateral, the presence of revolutions with progressive profit, commodity or the cash balances. The only mortgage or housing cannot act as collateral. The businessman it is easier to get a consumer loan for yourself or take in store credit for the furniture, office equipment, equipment and consumables that will be used for work. Before applying for loan funds, you must carefully calculate all costs and accurately predict profits.

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